Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Cache Found - Bear Lake Zoo in Austin

Today we found our first cache. Although it was pretty chilly out today (40s/50s), I was very anxious to try out my new GPS device.

Alex and I ventured out to find (what I hoped to be) a simple cache, appropriate for small kids. I selected Bear Lake Zoo from the site. A nice description was provided and I was convinced this would be a great first cache.

After a short hike of about 450 feet from our parking spot, we found the cache. It's located in an undeveloped woody area of the Meridian subdivision, near a small lake. A new elementary school is set to be built nearby.
Alex selected a large rubber ball to keep from the cache, we left a green frog and wrote in the journal.

1 comment:

  1. Your adventure looked fun!! Glad you were able to find it so easily with Alex along!! Looking forward to more adventures!
